Stock Investing Pub

Investor Billionaire Says" Find REITs."

Saturday, April 15, 2023 7:00:00 AM

One of the largest and most well-known private equity firms in the world is Starwood Capital Group. Barry Sternlicht, a self-made billionaire, founded it in 1991, and today they manage around$ 120 billion in assets.

Barry Sternlicht continues to serve as the company's's CEO and chairman today, and thanks to his track record, he is one of the best investors in the entire world, particularly when it comes to the real estate industry.

So we pay attention when he speaks. He reportedly appeared on CNBC to discuss his opinions on the state of the market.

I anticipated hearing him discuss real estate markets in public, and he did, but the main topic of conversation was Equities, also known as REAL estate investment trusts. What he said is as follows( focus added)

By the way, you'll'll see REITs take off when credit returns. Equities are available for purchase. There are some incredible deals in Etfs. Throughout the crisis, we followed the same procedure. We had a 70 % Return on the twelve stocks we purchased around the world. Because I believe that prices are declining, we have also made some purchases on the open market.

He believes that REITs are currently providing a historical choosing opportunity, just as they were after the pandemic's's initial crash. At their lowest point, REITs had fallen by 43 %, but in the two years that followed, they quickly recovered and more than doubled investors' funds.

He claims that we are once more presented with a matching business today.

Equities are severely discounted and have crashed. A recent study by Janus Henderson found that REITs are currently priced at a 28 % discount to their net asset value, which is reminiscent of the Great Financial Crisis.

In essence, this means that you can purchase high-quality true property at a significant discount from its market value.

Also keep in mind that the business average settlement of 28 % is just that.

In some REITs, the price can drop as much as 70 % in the most extreme circumstances. The largest apartment landlord in Europe, Vonovia( VNA OTCPKVONOY ), comes to mind when I think of this.

Naturally, the market is concerned that the increase in interest rates will trigger REIT cash flows and property values to decline, which is why prices are quite low.

But it's's not that easy, as I've've already said.

One reason why interest rates increased is because of the high prices, which really favors REITs because it raises rents, reduces supply, and drives up the cost of replacing real estate.

For two, with LTVs as low as 30 % on average, REIT balance sheets are currently the strongest they have ever been. The majority of it has a fixed interest rate, and balance maturities are lengthy.

Now, the conditions may change once more. This was brought up in Barry Sternlicht's's interview( focus added )

" I believe that inflation is going to drastically decrease. I brought a CPI roll with me that demonstrates the reason. It has to do with the CPI's's pay component. If you make that one change, the headline inflation will increase to 2.6 %. Even that one change, please. Most likely, you'll'll see it in late summer.

Therefore, the adjusted headline inflation rate is already back at a low level, and we are probably about to experience recession, which will compel the Fed to lower interest rates( emphasis added ).

" I believe that we are entering a protracted recession. The funds markets is astute and understands the short-term nature of this. Customer confidence in you is extremely cheap. extremely low rates of funds. Director confidence in particular. There will be some significant cuts in the system sectors.

I believe Powell is mistaken and the credit markets is correct. He won't have a solution, in my opinion. Because prices is falling, he is able to bring those prices. Why the Fed has this trust right when they didn't yesterday is beyond me.

This would be significant for the REIT industry if he is right.

The increase in interest rates had a significant negative impact on their competition mood.

However, straightforward logic would suggest that a decline in interest rates may result in their recovery.

Many REITs would need to increase by 50 to 100 % in order to return to where they were a year ago. Here are a few illustrations.

Boston Properties ( BXP ) has a 148 % upside to 52-week highs, and Alexandria Real Estate ( ARE ) is up 71 % over the same period. Prologis ( PLD ) and Global Medical REIT( GMRE ) each have 78 % or higher upsides than the previous 52 weeks. Of course, there are some exceptions, but the work industry is by far the biggest. It will probably have for years to come, particularly if we experience a downturn.

However, it's's crucial to keep in mind that 95 % of REITs don't make office building investments. They make investments in defense property types like apartments, single-family rentals, commercial properties, etc., and these types of properties are flourishing. Here is what Barry Sternlicht said about the condition of Starwood's's assets( emphasis added ) despite the fact that it owns properties worth$ 10 billion.

You must take a step back. Real property is really performing extremely well, with the exception of the work asset class. Houses are occupied. Rent for a single family are complete. Apartments are ACTUALLY booked out. There's's no excessive building.

The asset class, commercial real estate, is really in pretty good shape, which is what I want viewers to comprehend. In almost everything, prices are not declining total.

Industrial is powerful. Houses are sturdy. Our underlying market is excellent, and we have a non-traded REIT.

Interest rates have increased, but if the credit markets is healthy, they may return to normal. This is what has happened to us. However, the long-term impact of rising interest rates is that there will be significantly less offer. As a result, we believe that the rate of pay development did quicken. We'll'll get through this. We usually manage to escape from this. There has never been a crisis in our country that didn't finish in recovery.

For REITs, that would be a pretty optimistic scenario because

Current years' worth of inflation won't be stopped. Prices will continue to rise steadily, and the slow increase in supply may also cause pay rise to accelerate. However, before the majority of REIT mortgage must be refinanced, interest rates will probably be significantly reduced. Now, pricing combinations are reportedly at historically low levels, so the benefit— despite the lower share price — could be very significant when you take into account that cash flows are now significantly higher.

Barry Sternlicht is investing his capital wisely, and Starwood has started accumulating shares of Equities that are undervalued.

And he is not by himself.

The largest private equity firm in the world, Blackstone Inc.( BX ), took advantage of this opportunity by purchasing REITs worth about$ 30 billion last year alone. It announced though another REIT merger even the other year. At a 42 % insurance over its most recent closing cost, it is purchasing Industrials REIT in the UK. This is consistent with the most recent net asset value for the company.

Barry points out that" real estate equity money are looking to deploy$ 220 billion of dry powder ," so we will probably see many more REIT buyouts in the upcoming month since that is where you can currently find the best deals.

When they could purchase REITs at significant discounts relative to the value of their assets, why would Blackstone, Brookfield ( BAM ), KKR & amp Co. Inc.( KKKR ), Starwood, and others purchase private properties?

Closing Note: In the long run, investing in great real estate that is varied, cautiously financed, carefully managed, and liquid at a significant discount to its reasonable value has always been beneficial.

That is precisely what the REIT competition has to offer right now.

I observe that some private investors take advantage of this opportunity, despite legendary traders like Barry Sternlicht of Starwood and Jon Gray of Blackstone purchasing REITs.

I am purchasing Equities at a significant discount and anticipate making significant gains as they recover in the years to come.

Editor's's Note This article discusses one or more securities that are not traded on a significant U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the dangers these assets carry.

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